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History which we do not know yet

Langar ota is a sacred place.

The citizens must take care of historical,cultural wealth of people of Uzbekistan. Cultural monuments are protected by state”- Constitution of Uzbekistan.

49 article.

Aziz o’quvchilar, sizlar ushbu sayt orqali Zarafshon tizma tog’larining Chaqili kalon deb ataluvchi Samarqand va Qashqadaryo o’rtasida joylashgan davonning Chiroqchi tumani xududidagi Qalqama vodiysiga qarashli Langar Ota qishlog’i haqida bilib olasiz. Langar ota tarixi sizning diqqatingizga sazovor bo’ladi degan umiddamiz
The view of Langarota masjid from the side.

The view of Langarota masjidfrom the front side

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