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History which we do not know yet

Langar ota is the great holy grave.There is a legend about how Sultan Vaisil Keran was given the gressing-gown of prophet Muhameda Alaihisama in Langar ota.Where Vaisil Keran and representatives of prophet were met, sofa formed there, and now it is situated the Langar’s door’s. And now speak about two word about sufizm ( Tassavvufning ishguiya silsilasi).We know it very much. In sources which we know are spoken about begging Ishguiyo silsilasi.It is beggining with Vaisil Kiran Sulnane and representatives of Muhamed,- holy men Umar, Abu Yazid Bistomi sheikh,Abul * Hasana Ishgui sheikh. Basic live motto these sheikhs were endless life by god and they have been met they said:Assolom alleycum ishcullah, as ask historical Ahmad Kashmiriya. Three of dynasty and progeny of sheikh “Ishgue silsilasi was in India.In this book dynasty sheikh’s began with Muhamed. Yet in book of unknown author “Detail statement about conscience”spoke about Ishgui silsilasi.And in book of Abu Abdurahman al Mazu,what was printed in Orenburg has such description in beggining Ishgue silsilasi is standed Abul Hasana Ishgue,and he was contemporary of Huja Ahrora. Grave stones of Ishgue sheikhs offenly can see in Langar ota in Kalkalinskaya valley, Shah rizabz district on Ostona ota cemetery. In book “nasoyimul muhabbat” by Alisher Navoi has the precisest information about Abul Hasan Ishgui sheikh and his descendants. In 628 part of this book is showed the valuablest information about Abul Hasan Ishgue sheikh and his contemporaries and disciples. As asked Navoi Abul Hasan Ishgue was from Horezm. The conclusion is: Ishgue silsilasi and his fouder Abul Hasan Ishgue need study much.Our historians,scientifics must study these information about coultery and spiritly. Langar ota mountains, kuchkartash rock, Kazantash, Teshiktash,Kanizar gorge,Sodirtash monuments interest every waytarer, Pilgrim, geographer. The importantest are two beautiful holls in Langar Kalkalin valley, mosgue’s monuments today stand in need of restaration. We must take care these monuments of our Respublic.
The view of Langarota masjid from the side.

The view of Langarota masjidfrom the front side.

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